verysweetlife studio

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Sewing Outdoors

Sewing Outdoors
It may be prudent to keep a love of winter hushed. Grumbling about the cold is more customary. Secretly relish the cold and delight in a snowstorm feisty enough to transform city streets into cross country ski paths until snowplows appear. (With layers of clothing one is warm sprinting on skis. I've made silk long undershirts of late.)

Despite Brooklyn's magical qualities, I've a craving for nature. Was in Pennsylvania this month where there was a convergence of people close to the heart, a sewing machine, blue sky, bright sunlight, deer roaming in mini-herds and winter's energizing chill. In a borrowed winter coat sat on the porch and sewed, breathing deeply.

Brought mending on the plane. A bag made years ago is now repaired.