verysweetlife studio

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Childhood Drawing to Grownup Design

Linen Blouse, Leather Corset Belt, Silk Tiered Skirt (Photo: Robert Lucy, 2016)

This pearl to rose ombré silk tiered skirt evolved from a pattern drafted for a dress (seen here).

How often I wear this white linen blouse, as versatile a tee! It's lace-trimmed neckline gathers with a hidden drawstring. When it wears thin I will surely make another.

The belt is constructed in the manner of a corset. It is comprised of nineteen pieces of material individually shaped to emphasize the curve of the waist. ¼” wide metal strips are inserted into channels which are sewn parallel to each vertical seam, providing additional structure. Initially assembled the belt with leftover pieces of fabric (remnants) from other projects. Wore that model daily, noting any modifications that would enhance the fit. Then incorporating these, fabricated the belt in leather. Crisscrossing laces cinch the belt at the center front. Praise the corset, the posture enhancing embrace of snug (never tight) material about one's torso! Looking in the mirror after lacing it up the first time realized it is a belt I’d drawn in childhood.